Michoune tries to talk to Matthelius, but he is cut short: "Heeelp!" David appears on frame: "I got myself involved in something bigger than I expected, and now Mireille is after me! I don't even know what she looks like..." Matthelius turns around to face David, and says: "You do know you cut our conversation short right now, right? You should behave, lest we need to punish you... Isn't that right, Mireille?" Mireille appears on frame, as some sort of dragons: "Skreeeeeeeee...."
Published 2016-05-09


Originally uploaded 2016-03-03

There's been attacks from both side of la ligue d'impro de Lalibaba (fr) on Facebook!

It seems like Mireille is free and has something against some of the players...

(What happened? It all happened at La P'tite Bouteille (fr), but the short version is that Mireille got cut in pieces... That was violent :o )


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